Rapid Improvement Group

The RIG meets three times per year and provides the support and challenge to the academy to make rapid improvements. The RIG reports back to the board of Trustees to ensure that all governance matters are addressed at a local level. To view the Scheme of Delegation and RIG constitution, please click on the links on the right-hand side of this page

The RIG is also supported by a Parent Forum. The Parent Forum consists of one parent from each year group. The Parent Forum meets informally, on a termly basis, to act on behalf of all our parents to share their thoughts and opinions on how the school can further strengthen its relationship with the parent community. Each parent is selected from the register in a non-biased arrangement using a random format in order to try and get a wide range of different parents involved.

If you would like to make contact with the RIG please address correspondence to chairs@nja.celtrust.org

Or via the post at:

Carole Johnson
Clerk to the RIG
Newquay Junior Academy
Edgcumbe Avenue
Telephone: 01637 874543

Further Governance information can be found on the CELT Governance Section – CELT Website.