
At Newquay Junior Academy we are committed to safeguarding all children and at the top of our priority list is the safety of your child. We work hard to ensure that the children in our care are safeguarded at all times. We have clear policies in place to ensure this happens with regard to all child protection procedures. These are available from the academy office and our child protection policy can be found by clicking on policies in the Our Academy section of our website.

It is important that all children, families and professionals are able to contact key staff to share information in respect of safeguarding and concerns.

NJA Safeguarding Team:

Tania Findlay MBE (Deputy Headteacher) (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Craig Hayes (Headteacher) (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Ryan Doble (Assistant Headteacher) (Additional Safeguarding Team Member)

Marci Mackay (PSA) (Additional Safeguarding Team Member)

Kate Rose-Lean (Operational Safeguarding Lead)

Please contact the academy directly and ask for the Designated Safeguarding Lead if you have any concerns you wish to discuss.