Special Educational Needs

Every young person at Newquay Junior Academy is special and should experience success and reward wherever possible. There can be barriers to learning for any young person at any time, or of course such barriers can be on-going. The pupil with special educational needs has the same right as every other pupil and it is the aim of our academy to ensure that we are providing the appropriate work, in the appropriate way for each pupil.

We are committed to integration and inclusion. All pupils have a right to access all areas of the curriculum. We aim to ensure that each pupil, whatever their special need, will achieve their full potential in all areas by supporting pupils, teachers and the curriculum.

The term special needs encompasses the 4 Areas of Need; Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties and Sensory and/or Physical needs. Pupils that are identified as needing additional support with their learning can be added to the Academy’s Record of Need in order to access good quality teaching strategies and, in some cases, additional intervention.

Most pupils on the Record of Need for learning simply require a slightly different approach to teaching in the classroom in order to make good progress. All teachers have a responsibility to special needs pupils and the Learning Support Department aims to provide the support that staff, pupils and parents may need.

The number of pupils on the Record of Need varies during the year as reviews take place. The key to meeting the needs of pupils lies in flexibility, the effective deployment and use of support staff, the support of the governing body, parental involvement, contact with outside agencies, supporting and advising colleagues and the ability to see the potential of every pupil.

We believe that close parental/carer contact is essential. We are happy to see parents/carers, or speak to them, whenever they contact us. Partnership between academy and home is valuable for the development of each pupil and parents/carers receive regular notification about the young person’s wellbeing and development.

Newquay Junior Academy operates an admission policy whereby all pupils are treated as equal. We liaise closely with our partner primary schools so that we can ensure a positive and successful transition. Our building has access, to most areas, for wheelchair users. We aim to enhance the education of all pupils with special needs by providing the ethos that a whole school policy brings with it, without losing sight of the fact that some pupils need extra support to achieve.

Changes since September 2014

From Statements to Education, Health and Care Plans

As of September 2014, the government replaced statements of special educational needs and Learning Difficulty Assessments with a single education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan for children and young people with complex needs. The EHC Plan will place much more emphasis on personal goals and will describe the support a young person will receive while they are in education or training.

From School Action and School Action Plus to SEN Support

For a young person with less complex needs but who may require additional support, the government is introducing a new system called Special Educational Needs Support (SEN Support), which replaces School Action and School Action Plus. At this stage, the Learning Support team become involved and identify the area of additional need that a young person may have. Working closely with class teachers and pastoral staff additional intervention will put in place in order for a young person’s needs to be meet. Their progress is then monitored not only by Class Teachers and Heads of Year but also by the Learning Support Team including the SENCo.

Further details of the school’s SEND provision can be found in the Newquay Junior Academy SEND policy document.
Please feel free to contact, SENCO Lead, should you have any queries or concerns.

Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator: Mrs K. Rose-Lean
[email protected]

Useful Links

Family Information Service – click here
SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 Years – download PDF here

Inclusion Newsletters